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The Festival of Lúnasa/Lúghnasadh/Lúghnasa was one of the four half quarter day festivals in the ancient Irish/Celtic year. Falling at the beginning of August, it marked the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and the Equinox and was celebrated in remembrance of the God Lugh.
As with Bealtaine, it has given its name to the month which followed, Lúnasa being the month of August in the Irish language, as May is Bealtaine. It was a festival associated with time of merriment and games, of arts and matchmaking. Lugh himself was son of Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann and Ethniú of the Formorians, he was multi talented and often equated with being a Sun God (though this may be a later addition) and said to be father to another hero of our mythology, Cú Chulainn.
He is often called Lugh Lámhfhada (long armed), perhaps in reference to his magical spear and he possessed a hound by the name of Failinis. After the death of his Foster Mother, Tailtiu, Lugh held a festival in her honour where she was buried in Tailteann, Co. Meath. Here youths competed in an old Irish version of the Olympics and where music and the arts also flourished. Festivals such as Puck Fair in Kerry, Bilberry Sunday and indeed the climbing of Croagh Patrick, are all said to be remnants of this ancient festival.

The Art of Irish Lore

Celtic is an exciting range of printed and hand made items based on Illustrations by Margaret McKenna, an artist living and working in Co. Cavan, Ireland. They have been inspired by the Celtic Mythology of Ireland. Divided into several ranges, each item explores the folklore of age old legends through beautiful illustrations influenced by the art of a previous mystical era. 

The Folklore range is filled with stories of The Tuatha de Danann, Fairies and Goddesses, telling the tales of a Celtic Mythology still visible in the ancient sites throughout the Irish countryside. 

The Tree Lore range make perfect birthday gifts as the year is divided into the thirteen-month calendar of Celtic mythology. With each is told the story of the tree and the personality traits of those born under that sign. 

The Fairy Lore range features the rich tradition of Irish fairy folklore, the Sidhe, as each item illustrates Margaret’s visualisation of these mysterious folk. 

The Celtic Celebration Day range is a commemoration of ancient festivals. Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lúnasa were central in the mythology of the Irish Celts and perhaps even hark back to a more primeval time. 

Celtic is a forever evolving as new items are added to the abundant legends and stories of ancient Irish Celtic mythology. Enjoy!